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:.Fall 2025. Dan Schumack and Seth Guggenheim will present Problematic Fee Agreements and Money-Handling Practices for the Fairfax Bar Association. This in-person CLE is expected to be accredited for 2.0 ethics hours in Virginia. Check back for event date.

:.Oct 9, 2024. Dan Schumack and Hope Todd presented Hot Topics from the Ethics Hotline at the D.C. Bar's annual Practice 360 Symposium. This live CLE was multistate accredited for 1.5 ethics hours.

:.Sept 10, 2024. Dan Schumack and Tom Mason presented a new installment of Tri-State Ethics Confusion. This class, sponsored by the D.C. Bar CLE Program, compared key differences between the Rules of Professional Conduct in the District, Maryland, and Virginia.

:.June 13, 2024. The D.C. Bar's Board of Governors appointed Dan Schumack to serve a one year term as Chair of the D.C. Bar's Legal Ethics Committee. The Committee publishes interpretive guidance on the Rules of Professional Conduct. Dan has been serving as a member of the Commitee since July 2019.

:.June 24, 2024. Dan Schumack was on the panel for Mental Health & Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession. This annual recurring program was multi-state accredited for two ethics hours.

:.May 14, 2024. Seth Guggenheim was on the panel at the 42nd Annual Real Estate Practice Seminar, in-person at the CrystalView Conference Center, sponsored by the Virginia Law Foundation. Seth's ethics segment was multi-state accredited for one ethics hour.

:.May 2, 2024. Seth Guggenheim presented The Dos and Don'ts of Fee Agreements via Zoom for the NoVa Black Attorneys Association. This class was accredited in Virginia for one ethics hour.

:.Jan 18, 2024. Dan Schumack will be presenting a monthly recurring live-streamed ethics CLE throughout 2024, titled Trustworthy?, on the proper handling of prepaid legal fees and settlement proceeds. Sponsored by the TRT national CLE program, each installment of this class is multistate accredited for one ethics hour.

:.Oct 19, 2023. Seth Guggenheim and Dan Schumack presented GOTCHA!, discussing Rule 4.2 violations arising out of communications with persons who already have counsel, at the Alexandria Bar's annual October CLE Marathon. This live program was accredited in Virginia for one ethics hour.

:.Oct 4, 2023. Dan Schumack, along with D.C. Bar Ethics Hotline gurus Hope Todd and Erika Stillabower, presented When Ignorance of the Law (and Ethics Rules) Means Losing Your License! at the D.C. Bar's annual Practice 360 Symposium. This in-person class was multi-state accredited for 1.5 ethics hours.

:.Sept 12, 2023. Seth Guggenheim presented When Your Client Has Mental Health Issues at the annual LSNV Pro Bono Reception. This in-person class was accredited in Virginia for one ethics hour.

:.June 22, 2023. Tom Mason and Dan Schumack presented a new installment of Tri-State Ethics Confusion, focusing on the riskiest variances between the ethics rules in the District, Maryland, and Virginia. This D.C. Bar sponsored live-streamed class was multi-state accredited for 2.0 ethics hours.

:.June 15, 2023. The D.C. Bar Board of Governors appointed Dan Schumack to serve a one year term as Vice Chair of the Legal Ethics Committee, commencing July 2023. Dan has been serving as a member of the Committee since July 2019. The Committee publishes advisory opinions on gray areas in the Rules of Professional Conduct.

:.June 1, 2023. Dan Schumack joined D.C. Lawyer Assistance Program Manager Denise Perme, and D.C. Deputy Bar Counsel Julia Porter, on the panel for Mental Health & Substance Abuse Disorders in the Legal Profession. This course was multi-state accredited for 2.0 ethics hours.

:.Jan 17, 2023. Seth Guggenheim has joined the firm. With his arrival we are changing the firm's name to Schumack + Guggenheim PLLC. Read more about Seth.

:.Dec 14, 2022. Dan Schumack presented "I'm the Best Lawyer in Town" -- and Other Things You Can't Say (Ethically) When Branding or Marketing Your Law Firm. This course was hosted by the D.C. Bar via Zoom and multi-state accredited for 1.0 ethics hour.

:.Oct 31, 2022. Our longtime staff attorney, Mac Reed, has left the firm to start his own practice.

:.Sept 14, 2022. Dan Schumack and Seth Guggenheim presented Great Ways to Get Paid for the Work You Do (Without Losing Your Law License) at the D.C. Bar's annual Practice 360 Symposium. This course was multi-state accredited for 2.0 ethics hours.

:.March 8, 2022. Dan Schumack, Denise Perme, and Julia Porter presented Mental Health & Substance Abuse Disorders in the Legal Profession, via Zoom, sponsored by the D.C. Bar. This course was multi-state accredited for 2.0 ethics hours.

:.Feb 15, 2022. Dan Schumack joined D.C. Bar Practice Management Advisors Dan Mills and Kaitlin Foster for Fee Agreements and Managing Money, a live-streamed 3 hour ethics CLE, via Zoom, sponsored by the Maryland State Bar Association.

:.Dec 15, 2021. Dan Schumack presented Virtual Lawyering: Keeping the U out of UPL. Sponsored by the D.C. Bar CLE Program, this live-streamed course addressed Unauthorized Practice of Law disciplinary risks to D.C., Maryland, and Virginia lawyers who do their work over the internet from (or to) locations where they are not licensed. This course was multi-state accredited for 1.5 ethics CLE credits.

:.Sept 21, 2021. Tom Mason and Dan Schumack presented Tri-State Ethics Confusion, a two hour D.C. Bar CLE addressing key differences between the ethics Rules in the District, Maryland, and Virginia.

:.July 15, 2021. Dan Schumack, Hope Todd, and Erika Stillabower were co-panelists on all three ethics CLE programs at the D.C. Bar's 7th Annual Practice 360 Symposium. These live-streamed programs were multi-state accredited for one CLE hour per course.

:.Mar 3, 2021. Dan Schumack, Deputy Disciplinary Counsel Julia Porter, and LAP's Denise Perme presented Substance Abuse and Drepression in the Legal Profession. This course was sponsored by the D.C. Bar and multi-state accredited for two CLE hours.

:.Sept 18, 2020. Dan Schumack, Hope Todd, and Erika Stillabower were co-panelists on all three ethics CLE programs at the D.C. Bar's Practice 360 Symposium. These live-streamed programs were multi-state accredited for one CLE hour per course.

:.June 11, 2020. Dan Schumack and Deputy Disciplinary Counsel Julia Porter presented Everything You Wanted to Know About the Disciplinary System But May Have Been Afraid to Ask. This course was sponsored by the D.C. Bar and multi-state accredited for two CLE hours.

:.Sept 17, 2019. Dan Schumack and VSB Assistant Bar Counsel Katie Uston presented What to Do (and What NOT to Do) When You Get an Ethics Complaint. This course was sponsored by the Fairfax Bar Association and accredited in Virginia for 2.0 CLE hours.

:.January 2019. The firm changed its name from Schumack Ryals PLLC to Schumack Law Firm PLLC, reflecting the recent retirement of Davyne Ryals Wellnitz from the firm. Where's Davyne - Read more.

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