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We advise lawyers and law firms on ethics compliance, bar complaint defense, and related risk management concerns. 703-934-4656 FIRM NEWS :.Fall 2025. Dan Schumack and Seth Guggenheim will present Problematic Fee Agreements and Money-Handling Practices for the Fairfax Bar Association. This in-person CLE is expected to be accredited for 2.0 ethics hours in Virginia. Check back for event date. :.October 9, 2024. Dan Schumack and Hope Todd presented Hot Topics from the Ethics Hotline at the D.C. Bar's annual Practice 360 Symposium. This live CLE was multistate accredited for 1.5 ethics hours. :.Sept 10, 2024. Dan Schumack and Tom Mason presented a new installment of Tri-State Ethics Confusion. This class, sponsored by the D.C. Bar CLE Program, compared key differences between the Rules of Professional Conduct in the District, Maryland, and Virginia. :.June 13, 2024. The D.C. Bar's Board of Governors appointed Dan Schumack to serve a one year term as Chair of the D.C. Bar's Legal Ethics Committee. The Committee publishes interpretive guidance on the Rules of Professional Conduct. Dan has been serving as a member of the Committee since July 2019. :.May 14, 2024. Seth Guggenheim was on the panel at the 42nd Annual Real Estate Practice Seminar, in-person at the CrystalView Conference Center, sponsored by the Virginia Law Foundation. Seth's ethics segment was multi-state accredited for one ethics hour. :.See more news items Firm News. Notice: Use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. © SCHUMACK + GUGGENHEIM PLLC, Fairfax, VA, USA |